Hippo Has a Hat (board book)

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Автор:Дональдсон Джулия

Издательство:Macmillan Childrens Books'






Наша цена:US $111.00

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There's chaos in the clothes shop when the animals go on a glorious shopping spree. Zebra's zip is stuck and Toad's tracksuit is far too big, but Flamingo finds a stylish bag, and Caterpillar's shoes are really cool. Even the smallest toddler will enjoy the wonderfully silly animal antics in this book, so join in the fun - you've never seen a fashion show like it!Trademark Julia Donaldson rhymes and rhythms are perfect to read aloud, and Nick Sharratt's mischievous and funny illustrations make the bright and playful Hippo Has a Hat a sure winner. Just right for toddlers!

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