Snail and the Whale, the - Sticker Book

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Серия:Sticker Activity

Автор:Дональдсон Джулия

Издательство:Macmillan Childrens Books'



Обложка:Мягкий переплет



Наша цена:US $92.00

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Packed with games, activities and over 400 stickers, The Snail and the Whale Sticker Book is a great gift for any child -- ideal for journeys, rainy days and holidays.One little snail longs to see the world and hitches a lift on the tail of an enormous whale. Together they go on an amazing journey, past icebergs and volcanoes, sharks and penguins, and through sun, snow and stormy seas. Follow them on their adventures in this fun sticker activity book, based on the bestselling picture book, The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo.The Snail and the Whale is a brilliant story of unlikely friendship and life-changing adventure, brought to life on BBC One, starring Sally Hawkins, Rob Brydon, Cariad Lloyd and Dame Diana Rigg.

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