TDS: 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom

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Автор:Рид Кэрол, Read Carol

Издательство:Macmillan Education



Обложка:Мягкий переплет



Наша цена:US $504.00

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Отправка почтой: June 26th от US $12.00, бесплатно при заказе от US $100.00.

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Carol Read - широко известный методист и специалист в области преподавания английского языка в начальной школе.500 Activities for the Primary Classroom - ответ на вопрос: "Что я буду делать завтра на занятиях?" Идеальное пособие для методистов и учителей, работающих с детьми от 3 до 12 лет.Основные характеристики:- разнообразные, простые, но интересные задания;- современная методика обучения детей, основанная на контекстуальном подходе к обучению языку;- гибкая структура пособия, позволяющая использовать его с любыми учебными программами.500 Activities for the Primary Classroom is an indispensable collection of practical activities and ideas for teaching English to primary-aged children. Carol Read's award-winning resource for teachers of children aged 4-12 reflects over 20 years of working with young learners, turning the classroom experience into a book. It aims to develop an awareness of the complex factors involved in working effectively with classes of children and to lay a solid foundation in primary language teaching skills.Key features:- The book provides a fully comprehensive resource pack of activities for teaching primary children with minimal or no extra resources required, making them suitable for all students.- Carol Read offers clear methodological content to help teachers understand the approaches behind the activities.- Activities are grouped by type in easy to search sections, e.g. storytelling and drama, art and craft, reading.- The collection of activities will be useful for those who are new to teaching young learners, non-language specialists, as well as more experienced teachers.- Further advice, ideas and suggestions for additional reading are included to help teachers deepen their knowledge on the subject.

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TDS: 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom

Рид Кэрол, Read Carol

US $504.00
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