Отзывы Покупателей

Olga from Ottawa on 5/23/2021

Качественно изданные книги!

Larisa from Toronto on 5/22/2021

Очень довольна уровнем обслуживания.Все очень профессионально. Всем рекомендую.

Andrii from Toronto on 5/22/2021

Good service. Reasonably priced.

Viktoria from Toronto on 5/21/2021

Great selection, fast service... Will definitely order again:)

Olena from Toronto on 5/20/2021

Outstanding service and variety of products!

Ekaterina from Woodbridge on 5/20/2021

Все отлично, быстрая доставка

Natalia from Ottawa on 5/20/2021

Thank you so much. Great job. It was gift for my friend, he was so excited. Excellent quality. Order was sent during 5 days. Recommend this store.

Yulia from Richmond Hill on 5/15/2021

Great customer service and fast delivery. THANKS

Maria from Edmonton on 5/14/2021

Очень красочные книги, отличное качество и сервис!

Yulia from Richmond hill on 5/14/2021

Great service. Order was ready very fast. THANKS!

Eva from Oakville on 5/14/2021

the delivery was extremely fast. super happy with my books in russian i got for my parents to read! no issues with delivery, placement or the products itself :)

Ilona from Toronto on 5/14/2021

This is a very nice jewellery. High quality and beautiful design

Marina from Toronto on 5/13/2021

Очень довольна покупкой! Спасибо!

Natalia from Oakville on 5/13/2021

Прекрасный сервис и отличные товары! Просто выручает в локдаун, теперь всегда есть чем развлечь детей. Спасибо Вам за Вашу работу!

Nina from Hampstead on 5/9/2021

Очень хороший магазин,большой выбор интересных книг,посылки приходят во время.Благодарю за сотрудничество

Irina from Toronto on 5/8/2021

Service and product are great! Thank you so much! Irina

Galina from Toronto on 5/8/2021

Wonderful, very customer-oriented service. My special Thank You to Larisa from the Books department who has been very polite, knowledgable, and extremely PATIENT and HELPFUL. Outstanding service! I am a very 'difficult' and quite 'demanding' customer and we have been very pleased with our purchase and VERY professional service provided by Troyka's professional personnel! We will be back! Stay Safe and Be Well! With much appreciation.

Olena from Toronto on 5/8/2021

Great product! Amazing service!