Guide to Medical Informatics for Foreign Students : tutorial guide / E. Yu. Danilova, E. N. Galkina, S. V. Glushkov [et аl.]. — Moscow : GEOTAR- Media, 2022. — 272 p. : ill.

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Автор:Данилова Е.Ю., Галкина Е.Н., Глушков С.В. и др.




Обложка:Твердый переплет



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The tutorial guide consists of theoretical principles on informatics, medical informatics, statistics and guidelines for learning this sections. Huge part of case problems with solution and participant activities are given as well.The guide will be useful for Dentistry specialty 31.05.03 and General Medicine specialty 31.05.01 students, interns, doctoral students learning «Informatics, medical Informatics» and «IT technologies and e-health» disciplines. Students who study English language can also be interested in this paper. This edition was created according to FSES of HE.

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Другие книги автора: Данилова Е.Ю., Галкина Е.Н., Глушков С.В. и др.
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