Hide and Seek = Игра в прятки: на англ.яз

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Серия:Original. The Complete Works of

Автор:Collins Wilkie

Издательство:RUGRAM_Public Domain



Обложка:Твердый переплет




Наша цена:US $77.00

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Автор: Collins William Wilkie, «Hide and Seek = Игра в прятки (на английском языке)»: Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. Hide and Seek is the story about the girl named Mary — they called her Madonna, and she was deaf and dumb and beautiful as a painting by Raphael. All they did know about her identity was that she'd lost her hearing in an accident, and the proprietor of the circus had treated her horribly, and in her cache of secret personal private things, she owned one thing as precious to her as life itself: a bracelet made of brown human hair with the initials MG tied into it.

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