Sport Law in Russia. Monograph. Спортивное право в России. Монография

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Автор:Rogachev D., Shevchenko O.




Обложка:Мягкий переплет




Наша цена:US $53.00

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This book covers the most relevant issues of sports law in Russia, describes the main legal and regulatory rules in the field of physical culture and sport. The monograph consists of 5 chapters and systematically renders the following issues: sport as an area of legal regulation, the peculiarities of the regulation of sport elements, the subject of sports, the regulation of the arrangement of sport events, and the offenses and the responsibility in the field of sport. Legislation updated on March 2016. The book will be interesting to lawyers, attorneys, heads of common Russian and regional sport federations, sport clubs, managers, athletes, coaches, sports physicians, as well as all those who are interested in the legal regulation of physical culture and sports in Russia. Читать фрагмент...

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