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Otorhinolaryngology : textbook / V. T. Palchun, A. I. Kryukov, M. M. Magomedov. — Мoscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2020. — 560 p. : il. — DOI: 10.33029/9704-5473-2-OTO-2020-1-560.

Автор:V. T. Palchun, A. I. Kryukov, M. M. Magomedov




Обложка:Твердый переплет



Наша цена:US $220.00

Отправляется через 16-24 дня


The textbook provides a brief introduction to the fundamental basics of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of upper respiratory tract and ear di seases, as well as the latest scientifi c and practical information in this fi eld. Updated materials on endonasal microendoscopic diagnostics and surgery are included. Modern rationale for methods of choice in diagnostics and treatment of the main ENT organ diseases are presented, generalizing data on the use of drugs is given. Becoming more common lesions of ENT organs in HIV infection, Wegener’s disease, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases and etc. are described. The issues of urgent conditions in the specialty are covered. The textbook is intended for students of medical universities, interns, residents, postgraduates.

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