Infectious diseases : textbook / eds N. D. Yushchuk, Yu. Ya. Vengerov. — Мoscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2024. — 464 p.

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Автор:Под ред. Ющука Н.Д., Венгерова Ю.Я.




Обложка:Твердый переплет



Наша цена:US $207.00

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This edition of the textbook is signifi cantly updated and revised following the changes in the structure of incidence of diff erent nosological entities of infectious diseases and their economic signifi cance, with new achievements in infectology and changes in educational program.The textbook is intended for the students of general and preventive medicine faculties. It can also be used for studying tropical medicine and post-graduate training of the doctors in the specialty «Infectious diseases».

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Другие книги автора: Под ред. Ющука Н.Д., Венгерова Ю.Я.
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